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Offering A Wide Range of Services
We provide a wide range of professional auction services to meet your needs. From Multi-Platform Worldwide Online Auctions to Wholesale Buyout Auctions. We promise to provide every service to your highest level of satisfaction.
Worldwide Online Multi-Platform Traditional Online Auctions offer Interesting, Unique and High-Quality Fine & Decorative Arts, Antiques, Unique Collections & Items of History and Curiosity.
Our Online Traditional Auctions are offered on multiple bidding platforms, giving our buyers the best opportunity to purchase in several places. As the largest online only auction house in Central New York, we are experts in helping our clients get top dollar for their items at auction.
We also offer several ways in which to bid: Online Live, Online Pre-Bids, Absentee Bids and Phone Bids. These auctions are presented and closed in sequential order starting with Lot 1 and continuing through until the last lot is sold.
When your items aren't high enough in value for worldwide multi platform traditional online auctions, there is an option to present them in a single online platform in what is called a Timed Online Auction.
This type of auction has items opening in set incremental times with a new lot opening approximately every 2-3 minutes. This type of auction allows for multiple items to be auctioned at one time with staggered "soft closing times" based upon the last bid.
The bidding time is extended for a set time after the last bid, until the additional time is reached. Example: If there is a bid within 3 minutes of the schedule close, the item being auctioned will remain open for an additional 3 minutes each time a higher bid is placed until there is a full 3 minute period without an increased bid.
This auction is fast paced and exciting for those participating and bidding online!
If you have a Full Estate with a variety of antiques, vintage, retro and everyday items, a "old fashion" On-Location Auction may be a perfect way to present your items within the venue to a local and regional audience.
This entails setting up a tent on the grounds with a large staff to help out with set up through auction day. Vendors are also on site to provide food and refreshments throughout the day.
We also work to present the items in the best light, staging a the home with the auction items presented for the preview times. This type of auction also gives the opportunity to offer many 'box' lots, which are auction lots with multiple items. All in an attempt to make sure most everything sells on auction day.
Our Bulk Merchandise Auctions are designed for extraordinary situations when circumstances prevent an 'On-site' Auction, Estate Tag Sale or removal of the merchandise to another location. Bulk Auctions are unique properties in which the owners/executors/POA need to empty the premises for various reasons. Examples may include: A hoarder's property where there is a large quantity of merchandise with individual items of minor value. Or a situation where time is a deciding factor and the items have to be sold and/or removed quickly.
The "Bulk Merchandise" Auction has proven to be an effective option for difficult situations. It combines the competitive atmosphere of the auction with the need for these buyers to obtain merchandise. The bidders normally know each other and are competing regularly for limited merchandise in the same market. This combination can produce very positive results for the seller. The opportunity for these buyers to obtain a large quantity of merchandise all at once is rare. We find that personalities also play a roll in these events.